Make rust - not War!

There are several ways to age terrain. To create great rust effects, you can use salt and hairspray, for example, or work with appropriate color pigments. If all this is too much work for you, you can also create such effects with paint only. I show here in a short tutorial how this works. For this you need only a small number of colors and a small sponge from the kitchen.

A few resin barrels from the 3D printer have to serve as the object. These are primed first. To remain reasonably realistic, I use a strong spray paint from Montana (Brick 3050). Montana paints are perfect for model building because of their low pressure. To avoid "noses", you should spray the objects from all sides with short bursts. If not everything is covered with paint, let the area dry briefly and then spray again.

When the primer is dry, the first layers of paint can be applied. For this I use a simple old sponge from the kitchen and Scale 75 acrylic paints. These dry out extremely matte, which gives the models a charm all their own. Especially for rust and burnt vehicles there is a separate paint set (Scale75 Scrap Paint Set - SSE-044) consisting of the colors:

  • SS Camo Dark Brown SW-18
  • Red-brown Primer Red SW-03
  • Orange SW-059
  • SS Camo Golden Brown SW-19

Of course, you can take other colors at will. Important are a dark and a light brown and an orange. For more contrast then provides a beige.

So that the primer of the barrels still remains in rudiments only the sponge is used (no brush). First, the barrels are completely dabbed with the darkest color. Then the lighter color layer follows, but only in the desired areas. At no time should a completely covering layer be created, so that a nice rusty grain results. Important: Each layer of paint must dry properly before you start with the next.

After the last layer of paint is dry, the barrels are ready for the table - the post-apocalypse can come!

Model making
26.12.2019 - Stefan

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