Styrodur and Rockets - Part 1 | The Shell

Die Legende der Wicker is a 2D adventure, so the settings do not necessarily have to be complete 3D buildings. However, they can also serve as decoration for many a tabletop or simply as a diorama. In the end, I decided to take a middle course: a 2.5D or half a building.

The basis for the building is a 17x9 cm base plate made of styrodur. The actual building is a little smaller, so the protruding sides can be used as a "base" for the house. The floor inside consists of "stone slabs" with a size of approx. 2x2 cm. These are simply scratched into the Styrodur with a sharp pencil. A few cracks in the slabs as well as structuring by means of a ball of aluminium foil then give the floor the final touch.

The front of the lower part of the building is formed by a 16x6 cm panel. The "wall panels" have a thickness of 0.5 cm. If they are thicker, it becomes very difficult to cut out windows and doors cleanly. For structuring the wall I use a structure cylinder from Gerard Boom. Structuring with a pencil is of course just as possible - but it takes more time.

The upper part of the building is made of trusses - this is where the rocket sticks collected on New Year's Eve are used. You can give free rein to your creativity when assembling the framework. However, two things should be taken into account:

  1. the height of the upper floor and the attic is 6 cm (the same height as the lower part of the building)
  2. all sloping "beams" are sawn at an angle of 45°.

After the framework has been glued with wood glue and dried, the intermediate pieces can be easily marked on the styrofoam and cut to size. For a more interesting design, the intermediate pieces are also worked on in some places with a structure cylinder.

To make the building modular, there is another attic floor that can simply be placed on top of the basement floor. The roof design is different for the two upper storey sections:

  • The half-timbered upper storey has a somewhat more elaborate "roofing" made of popsicle sticks.
  • On the other upper storey/attic storey, the "roof tiles" are made of cardboard strips.

Model making
31.01.2020 - Stefan

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